Objectives & Plans

Our Objectives

WATER QUALITY and MANAGEMENT: Reduce pesticides affecting the Thames catchment and phosphates in the South Chilterns. Reduce amount and rate of surface water runoff and soil erosion across our area as a whole and in the south of our area manage the floodplain well to slow movement and benefit biodiversity. 

PRIORITY HABITATS: Extend/enhance and buffer priority grasslands and make productive pastures more diverse. Ensure best management on SSSIs within the group. Continue work with FC and others to address deer impact on woodlands and other habitats.

PRIORITY SPECIES: Corn Bunting and other priority farmland birds. Identify opportunities for important arable plants. In the south, manage for breeding waders. Continue our work to provide more insect rich habitat across farms seeking opportunities to create links 

LANDSCAPE: Top priorities for members are permanent grasslands and hedgerows. We want to make them more biodiverse and better managed. 

CLIMATE CHANGE We aspire to net zero or better and will continue to deliver this through better-informed land management practices and technological advancements. 

Members will be: 

• Upskilling in water management and air quality to be delivered through engagement with CSF, peer-to-peer learning, grant procurement and external trainers. 

• Benefitting from farm audits to identify and mitigate risk to water quality. These will support grant applications. 

• Attending site visits to help with new focus activities 

• Collaborating on farm trials to assist learning.

• Preparing effective soil risk assessments and soil management plans.

• Participating in regular group discussions/farm walks to share learning on topics such as soil health, water management. 

• Holding Open Farm type days for public.

• Monitoring biological soil health indicators such as dung beetles and earthworms.

• Targeting interventions arising from improved knowledge of priority species/habitat distribution. 

• Contributing to Chilterns AONB management plan through helping to improve Chilterns natural capital resources, soils, water, clean air, plant and animal life